- Cabinets & Cabinet Hardware, Lancaster
- Cable & Wire Installation, Lancaster
- Cable TV Companies & Services, Lancaster
- Cafe Restaurants, Lancaster
- Campgrounds, Lancaster
- Car Detailing & Wash Service, Lancaster - Auto Detailing
- Car Wash, Cleaning, Wax & Polish Service, Lancaster
- Carpet & Rug Cleaners Water Extraction & Restoration, Lancaster
- Carpet Rug & Upholstery Cleaners, Lancaster
- Carpet, Rug & Linoleum Flooring Dealers, Lancaster
- Cars, Truck, Van & SUV Car Dealerships, Lancaster - Auto Dealers
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Lancaster
- Cellular & Mobile Phone Equipment & Systems Installation, Repair & Service, Lancaster
- Cellular & Mobile Phone Service, Lancaster
- Chambers Of Commerce, Lancaster
- Cheese Products, Lancaster - Cheese Shops
- Child Care & Day Care Services, Lancaster
- Children's Clothing Stores, Lancaster - Infant, Babies & Kids Clothing
- Chinese Restaurants, Lancaster
- Chiropractor, Lancaster
- Churches 1 Of 3, Lancaster
- Churches 2 Of 3, Lancaster
- Churches Seventh Day Adventist, Lancaster
- City & County Administrative Agencies, Lancaster
- City & County Government, Lancaster
- City & County Law Enforcement, Lancaster
- Cleaning & Maintenance Services, Lancaster
- Cleaning & Restoration Contractors, Including Sandblasting, Lancaster
- Clinics, Lancaster
- Clothing Stores, Lancaster - Clothes & Accessories
- CNC Machine Shop, Lancaster
- Coin Dealers & Supplies , Lancaster
- Colleges & Universities, Lancaster
- Commercial Equipment, Lancaster
- Commercial Printing, Lancaster
- Commercial Printing Manufacturers, Lancaster
- Communications Services, Lancaster
- Community & Recreational Facilities, Lancaster
- Community Church, Lancaster
- Community Churches, Lancaster
- Community Services, Lancaster
- Computer & Audio Visual Services, Lancaster
- Computer & Software Stores, Lancaster
- Computer Cable & Wire Installation, Lancaster
- Computer Room - Installation & Equipment, Lancaster
- Concrete, Lancaster - Cement & Concrete Products, Suppliers, Companies
- Concrete & Cement, Lancaster
- Concrete Contractors, Lancaster - Concrete Construction & Concrete Companies
- Concrete Product Manufacturers, Lancaster
- Condiments & Sauces, Lancaster
- Congregational Church, Lancaster
- Construction, Lancaster
- Construction Companies, Lancaster
- Construction Services, Lancaster
- Consultants & Services, Lancaster
- Convenience Stores, Lancaster
- Coroners, Lancaster
- Counseling Services, Lancaster
- County Police, Lancaster
- Credit Unions, Lancaster
- Crop Planting & Protecting, Lancaster - Soil Preparation & Cultivating
- Crushed Stone & Rock, Lancaster - Crushed Granite, Concrete, Gravel, etc