- Candy, Nut & Confectionery Wholesale & Retail, Cashton - Candy Stores
- Carpet, Rug & Linoleum Flooring Dealers, Cashton
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Cashton
- Catholic Churches, Cashton
- Cheese Products, Cashton - Cheese Shops
- Chiropractor, Cashton
- Churches 1 Of 3, Cashton
- Churches 2 Of 3, Cashton
- City & County Administrative Agencies, Cashton
- City & County Government, Cashton
- Clinics, Cashton
- Community Services, Cashton
- Concrete Contractors, Cashton - Concrete Construction & Concrete Companies
- Construction, Cashton
- Construction Companies, Cashton
- Construction Machinery, Cashton - Mining Machinery
- Consultants & Services, Cashton
- Convenience Stores, Cashton
- Country Cooking Restaurants, Cashton
- Credit Unions, Cashton